It’s been a couple of months since the whole world came to a standstill. And yet, it still feels surreal.
Staring at the haunting images of empty streets, tourist meccas, cafés, and stadiums that emerged from around the globe and hearing the faint echoes of a thunderous applause, mindless chatter, infectious laughter and cheering crowds.
Some, quotidian. Some, astounding. And then there is, the spectacular.
Human interaction.
That is what we, as event planners, thrive on. The events industry crafts human experiences that bring people together. We manufacture memories. We make connections happen.
But what do we do when the mandate all over the globe is going against everything that we’re working on? How do we swim against the massive tide that is COVID19?
The dynamic health and safety regulations for events and gatherings makes planning feel like you’re walking on fire on wobbly stilts.
But we’re not willing to throw in the towel just yet.
As the proverbial saying goes, “There’s always a light at the end of the tunnel.’’ Even though this tunnel may be 500,000 km long. Or more.
We always have a choice. We can sulk and feel sorry for ourselves for being part of an industry that is severely hit by the pandemic, or we soldier on. We choose the latter.
Yes, it is easier said than done but we need to move forward.
Mulling over the circumstances that we find ourselves in, a good coping strategy is akin to dealing with grief. There’s no denying that our life has forever been upended but we can’t hold on to anger as it does not help in alleviating the situation. Falling into depression must never be an option – make this a mantra. And the most important of all, acceptance is key. We have to come to terms with the new world that is unfolding. Only then can we view this crisis from a different perspective.
We need to remember that making social connections and fostering them is a core human need. A need that can be repressed but has to be fulfilled eventually.
Therefore, there is hope.
Things will be different, the platforms and mediums we use may change but there will always be opportunities for gatherings and engagement.
As this virus shines the spotlight on our industry’s resilience, creativity, and crisis management skills, let’s show it what we’ve got. Reminds me of another saying, when life gives you lemons…
“I’ll mix it with that bottle of my favorite drink and have a great time partying.”
Here at Panache, we are incredibly fortunate to stay afloat throughout the unnerving period of uncertainty. We’ve had our fair share of ups and downs, but we definitely will keep on going, as a family.
Also read : The World is My Home Campaign
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